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Monday Evenings at Wetherby Town Hall

7 - 8 pm

I am very excited to start teaching a new class in the beautiful market town of Wetherby. 

Classes include setting the mind and body followed by yoga stretches with the breath working towards a peak posture with modifications for everyone. There will be a focus on beathing techniques, alignment, all while working on strength and flexibility. Expect to tend the class with a nourishing relaxation. 

For up to date term dates and to book classes please go to

Classes: Welcome


Yoga Class


This class will introduce the fundamental principles and values of yoga, including alignment & breath work, with a flow of postures and working up to a peak posture each class.
Postures will be explained in a step by step process, ensuring students understand the alignment of each pose, gradually these poses will be linked together into a gentle sequence.
The class will conclude with a nourishing relaxation.

Suitable for all levels with modifications for all



Tuesdays at Saxton Village Hall

Evening: 7 pm - 8.15 pm

My Healthy Hatha Yoga class is a welcome, much-needed break from the stress and speed of modern day living, with a special emphasis on proper technique helps you refine your form.

The class starts with centring your mind, ready the practice. Gentle warm ups, leading to a peak posture which has many levels so everyone is included.

Pranayama (breathing techniques) are included too, along with a theme, such as spring, the moon, sun or simply being grateful for life. Balances such as Tree/Eagle Asana are sometimes included in class too. Expect to be challenged as much or a little as you feel you need on that day.

Beginners Welcome.

For up to date term dates and to book classes please go to 



Yoga Nidra, My absolute favourite. Everyone loves yoga Nidra, you really can’t go wrong, you just cocoon yourself and listen to my voice, how ace is that? 

They say one hour of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to four hours of sleep. A state of conscious between being awake and asleep. A profound technique that allows the body to deeply relax while the mind stays inwardly alert.
Yoga Nidra doesn’t try to fix anything, instead, through deep heartfelt listening and welcoming all sensations in to the body, this allows many issues of to find harmony and resolution. You simply feel epic the day after. Seriously, give this a chance.



Please check my Facebook or Bookwhen for up to date timetable of my monthly specials.

You really can’t go wrong, so there is nothing to fear.

I use about five postures which are held (deeply supported so don’t panic) for several minutes, so you can find space and silence to slow down, just be present in that moment.

We often use a chair/blankets/bolster to rest our body on in this class or simply a friendly wall. Great for anxiety and many modern-day conditions triggered from stress, such as insomnia, OCD, psoriasis, back pain and can also help depression by enhancing mood states.

We finish the class with relaxation or a short Yoga Nidra, to leave you feeling floaty, happy and quite frankly in a state of bliss. Sometimes i include a self-care goodybag too! This is a popular one, so go ahead and book today.

To book classes please go to



These bespoke classes are especially written to your needs. Be it just wanting a 1 to 1 lesson or alleviate anxiety, depression, chair yoga for MS, Rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, back ache to building your core strength back up after pregnancy. I also offer Hen Party yoga, this is always a fun one!

Prices from £40-45 for 1 to 1 

Private lessons are currently available via Zoom or in my home studio, or at your home. Please get in touch here for more information.

Classes: Classes
Classes: About Me

My Yoga classes are open to all levels, modifications are given, so there is something for everyone. The main thing is you're here on your own yoga journey. 

I plan my classes to incorporate Pranayama (breathing practices), gentle warm up movements with the breath, working towards a peak posture, balances & gentle stretches. All classes include a relaxation or meditation, I aim to leave you feeling contented and relaxed in your physical body and give you some head space.

The main essence of my classes is don’t be afraid to try Yoga with me, it doesn’t matter if you go off the mat or wobble in the balance, the main thing is you’re on your mat and you have found your Yogadose and we have found each other.

Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down.

Classes are usually held around Leeds/Selby and classes are taught online via Zoom or in my garden (weather permitting). 

Classes are an investment of £8-15.

Please check my Facebook page for more regular updates on classes and ‘pop up’ yoga classes. 


Private Lessons are also available via Zoom or in person. Please get in touch for more details! 

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